

I’m Alex (who sometimes goes by the memorable name of0x416c6578). I am a software developer in the aerospace and navigation domain, and I have interests in embedded programming and hardware hacking.

Info about my education can be found here.

19.07.24 - Kia Rio Headunit Passcode Reverse Engineering

11.11.23 - Alesis Core 1 Audio Interface Level Control Potentiometer Fix

08.10.23 - LineageOS Hosts File Editing Without Root

06.10.21 - Messing with the LDS-006 Laser Assembly

14.09.21 - Work on Decoding Serial Data from LIDAR

12.09.21 - Fixing Periodic Resets of LDS-006 CPU

10.09.21 - Messing With GD32F130F6P6

09.09.21 - Updates on the LDS-006 Lidar

03.09.21 - Fixing Android Messaging Heads Up Notifications

25.08.21 - (Mis)adventures With the LDS-006 Lidar

25.08.20 - XFCE4 Automatic Theme Switching

21.08.20 - Various Snippets of Info From p8-firmware Sources

25.07.20 - A Deep Dive into LVGL Fonts

Large Projects

LDS-006 Lidar (2021, WIP)
p8-firmware (Summer 2020)
SAP-1 (2018/19, Extended Project Qualification)

Small Projects

Arduino LED Strip Controller
ESP8266 Laser Turret
Arduino EEPROM Dumper

I have various FreeCAD models for random things available on this repo.


