
Converting To LVGL Fonts in p8-firmware

Until now I have been using the same font used in ATCwatch before the switch to LVGL. This has worked fine for a while, and using my improved text rendering routine, I can create simple text based screens. I implemented ‘images’ by replacing the characters stored in the unprintable ascii characters (up to but not including 0x20 - “ “) with my own designed glyphs for different features of the watch.
The problem with this approach is the font is quite basic looking, and looks very blocky scaled up. Also being monospace, it can sometimes look strange and is difficult to read.

To remedy this, I would like to implement a font rendering engine that can use LVGL format fonts. This will allow me to use many different (better looking) fonts, with the added benefit of reduced RAM usage.

Understanding How LVGL Fonts work

Bounding Box Offsets

LVGL Font Engine