
Getting compilation working on Linux

These steps will show how to get ATCWatch compiling on Linux



  1. Extract both archives.
  2. Open the fresh copy of the Arduino IDE. If you have your own copy of the IDE on your system, make sure to create a directory called portable in the directory where all the Arduino files are (called arduino-1.8.12 for me) BEFORE opening for the first time. This will ensure that you won’t mess up your libraries that you may already have installed, since all new libraries installed from the fresh copy will be put in the portable directory rather than your main sketchbook.
  3. Open Preferences and add https://atc1441.github.io/D6Library/package_nRF5_boards_index.json as an additional board manager URL. Go into Tools-Board-Boards Manager and install the D6 tracker board files.
  4. Copy all the newly installed files from the packages directory in the portable directory to a safe location. This will contain the Linux toolchain for compilation, but will not yet contain the correct files for the P8 smartwatch. This is the last time you need to use the new Arduino copy. Strictly speaking you could do this on your main Arduino install but just to be safe I did the work on a portable installation.
  5. Remove the D6 board from the boards manager. Close the IDE.
  6. Open D6Arduino from the other extracted archive. Copy the directory sandeepmistry from portable/packages to the portable IDE installation portable/packages. Now delete everything in the tools directory in your new installation since this is the Windows toolchain and will not run on Linux.
  7. From the backup you made in step 4 copy the directories in tools (gcc-arm-none-eabi and openocd) to the equivalent directory in the portable installation (arduino-1.8.12/portable/packages/sandeepmistry/tools). You are replacing the Windows toolchain with the Linux one.
  8. Copy the files: library_index.json, package_index.json, package_index.json.sig, package_nRF5_boards_index.json, package_nRF5_boards_index.json.sig, preferences.txt from the D6Arduino portable directory to the new installation portable directory. This will make sure Arduino IDE thinks you installed the libraries correctly.
  9. Copy the 3 directories in D6Arduino/portable/sketchbook/libraries into the corresponding directory in the portable installation
  10. Open platform.txt in the new portable installation packages/sandeepmistry/hardware/nRF5/0.6.0/ and under Compiler Variables, add compiler.libraries.ldflags=/path/to/HRS3300-Arduino-Library-master/src/cortex-m4/libheart.a with the correct absolute path. Also to the end of the line recipe.c.combine.pattern= add {compiler.libraries.ldflags} as an option.
  11. Use pip to install the packaging utility: pip3 install --user adafruit-nrfutil
  12. Edit the line recipe.objcopy.zip.pattern= in platform.txt to get rid of the absolute path to the executable adafruit-nrfutil.exe and just leave it as ...pattern="adafruit-nrfutil" dfu genpkg.... Make sure this executable is in your $PATH (it should be after installing through pip)
  13. Edit boards.txt in the same directory and change the two lines in the section with S132 to s132 (Linux is case sensitive, Windows isn’t):
    p8watch.menu.softdevice.stockFW=Only Softdevice for Flashing via SWD
    p8watch.menu.softdevice.stockFW.softdevice=s132 //THIS LINE S132 -> s132
    p8watch.menu.softdevice.onlySoftDevice=Back To Stock Firmware
    p8watch.menu.softdevice.onlySoftDevice.softdevice=s132 //THIS LINE S132 -> s132
  14. Copy the SoftDeviceFiles directory from the D6Arduino directory to the directory where all the Arduino files are (called arduino-1.8.12 for me).
  15. You should now be able to run the portable Arduino installation to compile for the P8. Select DaFit Watch Bootloader 23 under boards, then compile. Make sure to turn on verbose logging in preferences so that you can see where the .ino.zip is stored since it might change from system to system.
    • That should be everything. If you still get errors, leave an issue and I will follow up since I may well have forgotten something.
    • Huge thanks to Aaron Christophel for his work